What are the disadvantages of the low-priced sand table model


0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; What ’s wrong with the low-priced sand table model?We know that if we want to buy a house, we will first choose to see the model in the center of the building to understand the building. But now the market competitiveness of the sand table model is very fierce. Many companies will try to recruit customers and price wars. So, what are the disadvantages of the low price sand table model?

0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 1,low quality:To minimize operating costs,Many low-cost sandboard models use poor-quality materials, combined with low-precision carving, rough walls, deformation, foam, and color. Enterprises and customers talk about low prices, and enterprises also strive for survival, so reducing material production costs, companies have profit space.

0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 2,The level of manual technology is generally low, and the manual is very rough.

0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 31. The safety guarantee is not perfect; the low-cost sand board model reduces the theft of circuit systems and the repair rate is high, which can lead to fire accidents; and the low-cost sand board model has poor after-sales stability, which brings a lot of inconvenience to later maintenance.

0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; 0010010 nbsp; The above is about the low price sand table model. If there are any deficiencies here, you can introduce it. As the saying goes, a penny is a commodity, and those prices are low. The practical ones are made of materials that are not qualified or of inferior quality, and the content of the sand table model is very simple to produce and the carving level is not high, let alone life. Therefore, when we make choices, we must conduct in-depth investigations and consultations to avoid serious consequences. Cause unnecessary damage.